About Me

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I'm a wife and mom of a 19 year old stepson and 2 little girls ages 5 and almost 7. I was a self-employed real estate appraiser for 12 years and am ready to turn the page and Lord willing go back to school and see what God has next for me. Certainly my highest priority is to attempt to keep the house in order for my dear husband and to savor all the moments I can with my little ones that are growing entirely too fast.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Father Knows Best

 We all know probably all to well how a little passing of time and/or a little reflection can completely change our perspective of something.   I've questioned God on several occasions perplexed by His plan, especially when it was so vastly different from my own.  Though there are still some things I wonder about,  most of the time once the dust settles I can see clearly why God told me no, or not now.

For years I ran a little appraisal company.  I was blessed with a successful business for several years.  Most of the time that I had my business I was single and was able to devote most (sometimes all) of my energy to it.  The mortgage industry is often "feast or famine", so you learn to work hard when the work is there.  In 2008 the market slowed down significantly, and so did my work.  Many of my faithful clients had to find other work because they weren't getting any business either.  My little girls were born in 2007 and 2009, so the dwindling work was alright since it would have required a lot of juggling.  

For some unknown reason, running an appraisal business wasn't that hard.  It required a great deal from me, but I knew what needed to be done and I did it.  To be honest, running that business was CAKE compared to taking care of two little girls, attempting to keep a house clean, doing laundry, grocery shopping, making meals, feeding cats, making Dr. appointments, dropping off, picking up, and the other 500 things that creep up in the course of a week. 

This morning I had a whole new appreciation for my failed business.  I could feel myself getting frustrated that it was taking 25 minutes for my girls to take 3 morsels of breakfast.  All I could think of is that getting my girls together and out the door for school was going to be the hardest part of my day (hopefully).  I didn't have to rush out with them to a job and come back home exhausted only to resume the daily requirements of running a house and caring for children. 

God knew that I could not run a business and be the mom I need to be.  God knew that if I had too much on my plate I would struggle to prioritize and the wrong things would suffer.  God knew that if the decision was left to me I would TRY to do it all...so He took the option off the table for me.  God also gave me a hard working husband who encourages me to stay home and is willing to go without things in order for that to be our reality.  

I still struggle to keep up with things in spite of being home, but I am working at it every day and eagerly await the day when it will all come together!  (if there is no such day please don't burst my bubble)

This is in no way intended to shine any form of negativity on working moms.  ALL moms are amazing regardless of whether they work inside or outside of the home.  My point is simply that God knows us so intimately that he knows our limitations better than we do.  He knows when to push us past what we think we can do, and He knows when to have us rest in what is before us. 

Right now I rest in what is before me.  (Which is a mountain of laundry...so it's a good time to sign off.)

I pray this brings a nugget of encouragement to someone who may need it.