About Me

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I'm a wife and mom of a 19 year old stepson and 2 little girls ages 5 and almost 7. I was a self-employed real estate appraiser for 12 years and am ready to turn the page and Lord willing go back to school and see what God has next for me. Certainly my highest priority is to attempt to keep the house in order for my dear husband and to savor all the moments I can with my little ones that are growing entirely too fast.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Mothering Moments

So....the last time I posted a blog was 11/3/2014.  How is that possible???  How is it that all the craziness flying through my mind didn't make it to a page?  I don't have the answer to that.  I do know that at 5:38 this morning I had some thoughts flying through my mind and I felt God prompting me to write.  Here goes my rusty attempt at writing.

I love my two little girls.  At 7 and 9 they certainly aren't as little as they once were...but they are still littles to me.  Since school is back in session, our day begins at 7:00 in the morning and is quite full as any mother of any number of children knows.  I take them to school, go back home and frantically try to obtain some semblance of order in my house.  I run errands, take care of the dogs, do dishes, laundry, try to find the surface of the floor under the protective coating of dirt from puppy feet, pay bills, pick up "stuff", etc. etc.  I glance at the clock and it's almost time to pick up the girls and ready myself for the craziness that is "after school life" which consists of gymnastics, dance and the dreaded HOMEWORK.  Somewhere in all of that plops dinner, baths and eventually bedtime.  It is a full day.

I would love to report that I have a smile on my face, spring in my step, and a chipper attitude through all of these phases of the day, but the truth is that around 9:00 mommy begins to melt.  My energy has been siphoned out of me and I am running on fumes.  I'm ready to clock out and enjoy a few moments to myself before I nod off to sleep.  Bedtime is interesting.  Bedtime is when the girls have finally stopped for the day and their brains suddenly burst into a fury of activity.  Haylee especially will have 100 philosophical questions that I often struggle to answer .  After I have put the girls to bed I just stand in the hallway and wait for the first "MAMA!!!!!"  (there are at least 10 or 12 of those before sleep arrives)  

Last night I took my sweet time putting Haylee to bed.  We chatted a little, I answered a few questions, we prayed together, I hugged and kissed her and left  her room confident that there was nothing left to "MAMA" about.  I then prayed with Kerrington and got her all tucked in, kissed and happy.  WHEW!!!!  It was finally time for me to go upstairs.  I grabbed my phone and my big cup of water and was ready to head to bed.  I took two steps and heard Haylee call "MAMA".  The fleshy part of me was instantly a bit annoyed and I almost let out an agitated "WHAT????".  At that moment I heard God whisper to me, "Mother for just another moment".  I did.  I instead responded to her with a sweet "Yes Honey".  I peeked in her room and she said, "Mama, could I just have one more hug?"  I went over and wrapped my arms around her and she whispered to me "I love you Mama.  You are the best Mama in the whole world."  I walked out of her room with the biggest smile on my face and a love tank that was overflowing.  

I put in a full day yesterday.  I mothered all day long and I was tired.   God knew what that hug would mean to Haylee, and he knew what it would mean to me.  I'm so thankful for God's gentle prompt to mother for another moment.  

1 comment:

  1. I have so missed you, your friendship, your insight, your words and your writing. I'm so glad and so grateful to see this post. Love and blessings to you, dear one--Amy
