About Me

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I'm a wife and mom of a 19 year old stepson and 2 little girls ages 5 and almost 7. I was a self-employed real estate appraiser for 12 years and am ready to turn the page and Lord willing go back to school and see what God has next for me. Certainly my highest priority is to attempt to keep the house in order for my dear husband and to savor all the moments I can with my little ones that are growing entirely too fast.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Give and take

God is so cool.  I sat down here to write a blog about something that's been on my mind for a few days and just as I started to type, God gave me something completely different to say.  This is hot off the press.  

Alright, so if you've read my past posts or if you know me at all you know I love my little birds.  I have several feeders and thoroughly enjoy watching my little chirpities and they come and go holding on tight to their little seed snacks.  It's incredibly peaceful for me.  

For the past week or so we have  been getting an unwanted visitor or visitors in the night.  Destructive evidence has shown that we indeed have a bear helping himself to the birdseed.  In addition, he is happy to help us sort through our recycling and our trash in the event a certain unnamed teenager should forget to take it to the garage.   At first he knocked over a feeder and got to the seeds.  The next time he climbed up into the tree and knocked out the feeder and emptied it.  This morning I found that he completely destroyed my favorite feeder and took another one as a souvenir!!!  

I know what I have to do.  I have to take the feeders down at night and put them back up in the morning.  If I want to feed them at all, this is what needs to be done.  As I sat down to write, I gazed out the window watching my precious little chickadees (my very favorite bird) and wondered if they will understand that in order to GIVE to them I have to TAKE AWAY.  


Are you thinking what I'm thinking?  Oh how my mind is racing looking back on all the times that I've been so frustrated that I didn't get what I wanted when I wanted it.  How many times has God had to take something from me in order to give something to me?

I love my birds.  I want to feed them.  It gives me joy.  God loves me.  He wants to give to me.  It gives HIM joy.  Looking out at my birds, I get it.  Watching my little chirping friends has given me a priceless message from my heavenly Father.  

I wonder if I'll ever understand that in order for God to GIVE to me, sometimes he has to TAKE AWAY.   Today I believe I'm one step closer to embracing this truth.

Psalm 84:11 - "no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.

Isaiah 55:9 - "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

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