About Me

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I'm a wife and mom of a 19 year old stepson and 2 little girls ages 5 and almost 7. I was a self-employed real estate appraiser for 12 years and am ready to turn the page and Lord willing go back to school and see what God has next for me. Certainly my highest priority is to attempt to keep the house in order for my dear husband and to savor all the moments I can with my little ones that are growing entirely too fast.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving, Dad and "UP"

Yes I do know how ridiculous my title is.  I couldn't think of anything that really summed up the things flying through my head, so I just listed the top three things.  I'm going to really mess you up and start with the last thing, "UP".  Ever watch the Disney cartoon by the name?  I have, sort of.  I can't get through the movie.  The first time I started to watch it I cried my eyes off because the old man looks so much like my dad, ha, especially the bushy eyebrows!  I honestly couldn't concentrate on the movie because I was so distracted by Mr. Frederickson.  The movie happened to be on TV this evening and I walked into the room to hear Mr. Frederickson called by his first name, which is Carl.  Carl was my dad's name.  I watched the movie for a few minutes only to have tears falling down my cheeks yet again.  Not to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it....but Mr. Frederickson looses his wife who early in the movie we discover has been his soul mate since he was a young boy.  After his wife dies he turns into a cranky old fellow.  (This is not the part that reminds me of my dad...my dad was a jolly soul, who of course had his moments of the crankies)  Anyway, Mr. Frederickson finds an old photo album that his wife had put together that told their life story in pictures.  At the end of the book she wrote him a note that said "Thanks for the adventure, now go find your own".  He begins to live again.  I might be able to tell you more about the movie if I was able to get through it.  Maybe another day.

My dad's adventure was cut short here on earth.  He was 70 years old when he had a knee replacement operation.  Soon after the operation was finished he had a blood clot go to his brain and he passed away 2 days later.  He was so excited about the operation because he was ready for some pain-free adventures.  He was looking forward to enjoying his later years with his children and grand-children.  Now he's enjoying eternity with his Savior.  

I have had my dad on my mind quite a bit lately.  Thanksgiving was his favorite holiday.  He loved everything about it.  He would start the day early by making breakfast, so I would wake up to the smell of bacon cooking.  I'd come downstairs to bacon, sausage, toast and burnt eggs.  (he just didn't know how to turn the burner down)  He would help my mother get the turkey all ready and they would work together getting all the other stuff going.  The parade was always on and I can't even tell you why because I don't think either of us ever had much of an interest in it.  We watched it none the less.  It's what you do on Thanksgiving morning!  Soon the family would start to shuffle in.  My brother and sister, nieces and nephews would fill the house.  My dad loved having the house filled with family.  We would snack on cheese and crackers, pickles, veggies and dip as if 23 pounds of food was not going to cover the table in an hour.  Dad would pray and give his heartfelt thanks for all our family had, and then we would eat, and eat, and eat.  After we ate we would  waddle to the family room and watch "the Sound of Music", which was a family favorite.  My brother Dan and my dad would be sleeping approximately 3.5 minutes into the movie and wake up just in time for pumpkin pie and ice cream.  Sometimes after that we'd get a good game of canasta going and that would bring the day to a close.

I just wrote an entire paragraph describing things that are probably about as exciting as getting your teeth cleaned.  What I wouldn't give for another Thanksgiving like that.  I think I'd give up my left pinky for a breakfast of burnt eggs with my dad.  I look at my two little girls who will never know a Thanksgiving like that with their grandpa, but I have to smile as I think of all my nieces and nephews that are fortunate enough to remember such Thanksgivings.  I have seen a quote going around on Facebook that says something like "remember the little things because in time you realize that they are really the big things."  I don't think I said that exactly right, but you get the idea.  It's so true.  Time is so precious, and time with people you love is even more precious.  

This is Thanksgiving week and a week that makes me miss my dad as if it was yesterday that he was gone.  I loved him so much.  It seems like every year I realize even more that he gave me.  I sit here typing with a tear in my eye, but a heart full to the brim with thanks.  Thank you Dad.  I miss you.

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