About Me

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I'm a wife and mom of a 19 year old stepson and 2 little girls ages 5 and almost 7. I was a self-employed real estate appraiser for 12 years and am ready to turn the page and Lord willing go back to school and see what God has next for me. Certainly my highest priority is to attempt to keep the house in order for my dear husband and to savor all the moments I can with my little ones that are growing entirely too fast.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Splish, Splash!! (This was NOTHING like a bath)

One challenge that every parent of school aged children has during the summer is finding adequate ways of entertaining (aka: adequately exhausting) the children.  We'll just be walking in the door from an activity and Haylee will ask me "Mama, are we going to go somewhere today?"  It can make one nutty.  On Saturday Brian and I were brainstorming activities that would be fun for everyone.  Many of the ideas were a few hours away, and since we were brainstorming a little late for that we settled on the Splashdown Water Park in Manassas.  For many reasons this was not my favorite choice, but it was an overwhelming hit with the girls. 

My confession.  I deal with an obnoxious battle with anxiety.  Anyone who deals with anxiety to any degree knows that it comes and goes; many times with no real rhyme or reason.  As I pictured myself walking around a crowded waterpark in a bathing suit I wasn't necessarily comfortable in it started to hit me.  I started getting touchy.  I was annoyed that I couldn't find towels.  I was annoyed that I couldn't find a beach bag.  I was annoyed that I couldn't find the sunscreen, then when we got into the car I was annoyed that the air conditioner was blowing on me!!!  I was uncomfortable and edgy and admittedly very anxious. 

Brian bought me a mug that says "life begins at the end of your comfort zone."  I joke that even drinking coffee out of that mug makes me uncomfortable.  You want to know where my comfort zone is?  My bed.  I love my bed.  Since I was a teenager I have loved my bed.  I did my homework on my bed.  I talked on the phone on my bed.  I wrote hundreds of poems on my bed.  I think I've probably typed a few hundred appraisals on my bed.  You know what though?  There is no life tucked all comfy on my bed. 

So, there you have it.  I was on my way to a water park with two extremely excited little girls doing my very best to put my annoying anxiety behind me and enjoy my family and a fun new experience with my littles.

We got to the water park and because it wasn't a crazy hot day it honestly wasn't very crowded, but it was still too crowded for my taste.  I was still anxious....but every time I would look at my little girls' faces with their priceless smiles and squeals of delight it was easy to forget about myself.  They had so much fun on the water slides that were just their size, we all took a few trips around the lazy river and Kerrington was very proud of her "swimming" in 2 feet of water.  It truly was an amazing day. 

I wish I could say that pursuing "life" always wins, but that would be a lie.  There are days when the anxiety wins.  However, everytime I'm able to break through the anxiety it loses its power.  So much of the battle is in the mind.  When I'm able to remember all that comes with a little discomfort I feel a little more brave. 

The water park was definitely outside of my comfort zone, and I found life there. 

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