About Me

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I'm a wife and mom of a 19 year old stepson and 2 little girls ages 5 and almost 7. I was a self-employed real estate appraiser for 12 years and am ready to turn the page and Lord willing go back to school and see what God has next for me. Certainly my highest priority is to attempt to keep the house in order for my dear husband and to savor all the moments I can with my little ones that are growing entirely too fast.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Crazy Bird Lady

Just kidding.  I'm not a crazy bird lady.  Not yet anyway.  Give me a few years and I may be in the running, who knows.  There's no doubt about it though....I do love to watch birds.  My mother loved to watch birds, and squirrels, and chipmunks and really any other critter that anyone else would chase off their deck with a broom, or pellet gun.  Watching the birds is peaceful.  Watching the antics of the squirrels chipmunks can be quite entertaining. 

Our new little house is on 2.3 acres and there are lots of trees and lots of wild birds and other wildlife.  I have a little garden type area in front of my haven and I'd like to have it filled with birds.  My friend gave me a book all about feeding and attracting wild birds and I found out a lot of things I didn't know.  The book described different birds and what kind of seeds they prefer.  Some like the black seeds, little birds like the niger seeds (never even heard of those) and some like a variety.   The book was very informative on places to put a feeder, which I didn't think of.  I first placed one outside my kitchen window, but no birds came.  :(  Come to find out I placed the feeder in the open and it was not a safe place for the birds to come and snack.  Feeders need to be near trees and branches for a quick getaway if needed. 

After educating myself somewhat, I headed out yesterday to get what I needed for my little bird oasis.  I looked at all the feeders, all the seed, all the birdhouses and after careful consideration for the birds, and my wallet (this stuff is not cheap), I chose a few feeders and some seed and returned home excited about setting it all up.  Anyone who knows me knows how excited I get about little things, and I was really excited!!!  I put the new seeds in the feeders and thoughtfully placed them where the birds would have cover and shade and easy access to the feeder.   I also scrubbed the birdbath that was hiding in the weeds for who knows how long and filled it with water.  After it was all up I looked at it and was so excited about what I provided for these little feathered friends and could not wait to watch them enjoy it.

This morning I got up before anyone else (big deal for me) and quickly made some coffee and headed out for the morning show.  I got out to the porch of my haven and sat, sipped some coffee and couldn't help but smile knowing what was coming.  I waited.  Nothing.  Waited some more.  Nothing.  Zip.  Nada.  Was I disappointed?  Yup.  I sure was.  I carefully prepared what I thought was the perfect oasis for them and they didn't show.   I'm sure that with some time they will come and enjoy what I worked so hard to give them.  When they do come I'll be just as excited for sure...but sad that they didn't enjoy it sooner. 

I'm heading somewhere.....honest!!!

You know...God doesn't have to read a book about us to research our needs and desires.  He knew us intimately before we were even here right down to the hairs on our heads.   To a much, much greater degree than my little oasis, God has designed the perfect path for each of us that is tailor made for exactly what we need and thankfully for us, he also takes into consideration the things we love.  He doesn't ever force us to take His path, but it gives Him the greatest joy when we follow Him and are able to enjoy all He has prepared for us.  It hurts my heart to think of the times that I followed my own path and not His.  Just like I was disappointed when my birds didn't show up....God is saddened when we don't show up.  However...when we do get out our compass and get back on track there is no shortage of celebration of our arrival when we get to the oasis God has for us. 

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