About Me

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I'm a wife and mom of a 19 year old stepson and 2 little girls ages 5 and almost 7. I was a self-employed real estate appraiser for 12 years and am ready to turn the page and Lord willing go back to school and see what God has next for me. Certainly my highest priority is to attempt to keep the house in order for my dear husband and to savor all the moments I can with my little ones that are growing entirely too fast.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

An extra set of eyes.....or two

Yesterday morning I woke up to what I thought was perhaps one of Haylee's dragons wandering about downstairs.  I soon realized that it was not a 3 ton dragon, but rather Kerrington making her way up the stairs to snuggle.  (She stomps instead of walking just like her daddy).  Haylee had already made her way up sometime in the night for snuggles, so then there were two.  I got up and got them some milk and cereal and turned on My Little Pony for them and thought this was a perfect time to escape outside to drink some coffee with my new little flying friends.  Just as I'm pouring the creamer into my liquid happiness I hear a screech.  Here comes Kerrington back down the stairs.  She wanted to be with me.  My little nugget of solitude was gone.  Plan B....I took her outside with me!  I told her we had to be really quiet so we didn't scare the birdies and she sat on my lap as quiet as could be.

There we sat waiting.  It didn't take long for a few hummingbirds to pop over to say good morning.  Their feeder is up high.  The other feeder is hanging from a pole on the ground.  After a few minutes I could see the birds coming closer.  There was a whole lot of chatter.  I suspect they didn't appreciate the strange guests that were a little too close to their food source.  They chirped and chirped and they flew from branch to branch.  One in particular was quite talkative and he slowly moved in closer and closer.  After about 5 minutes he took the plunge and landed on the feeder.  He had determined there was no threat and soon all the others joined him.

This was fascinating to me and it struck me that they saw something that could be unsafe and they were all cautious.  They took their time to make sure there was no danger and worked together to keep each other safe.  It made me think back on some of the poor choices that I've made in the past.  The times I saw something that looked good and didn't bother to listen to the chirps around me or didn't bother to look around to check for danger myself.  I could have saved myself a whole lot of heartache to say the least.

God tells us not to forsake the assembly of one another.  He doesn't ask us to do things just to tack on a rule.  There is a reason He wants us to band together.  We NEED each other.  We are social beings and we're not meant to be an island.  When we have others in our lives that we trust and they tell us there is danger ahead and we actually listen there is so much pain that can be avoided. 

I'm going to try to pay more attention to the chirps.  How about you?

1 comment:

  1. CHirps coming from me!!! If we are always in the company of those that can help, whether it be talking or watching kids play even the smallest of things keeps our sanity. Thumbs up!!!
