About Me

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I'm a wife and mom of a 19 year old stepson and 2 little girls ages 5 and almost 7. I was a self-employed real estate appraiser for 12 years and am ready to turn the page and Lord willing go back to school and see what God has next for me. Certainly my highest priority is to attempt to keep the house in order for my dear husband and to savor all the moments I can with my little ones that are growing entirely too fast.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Judgy Judgerson

I have to be honest.  I have never really thought of myself as a judgmental person.  Sure, we all have crazy thoughts that fly through our head when we see or hear certain things, but I've always thought I was pretty good at recognizing when I was thinking "judgy" and I would shake those thoughts out of my head.  I have noticed that it's just when you think you have something licked that God will push you just a little further and dish you up a nice slice of humble pie.  (I've also noticed that when God is dishing out this particular pie there is no ice cream or whipped cream to help it go down easier) (Bummer)

I drive my first grader to and from school every day.  Everyday I drive past a "HEALTH & REHAB" center.  I drive past this place twice a day 5 days a week and sometimes more.  I do believe that every time I pass it, rain or shine, hot or cold, there are several employees out on the sidewalk smoking.   The thoughts in my head began as a simple "yuck!!!" or "gross".  The thoughts then turned to "wow, these people work at a 'HEALTH & REHAB' facility and they are smoking up a storm?"   Then it grew to "these people aren't very good representatives of a health facility."  I think that was when God had about had it with me.   When I was finished with the rant in my head God had a few questions for me.  I felt like God was asking me, "Ok, Janiece, you aren't puffing on a cigarette....but are you taking care of your body when you scarf down 7 pieces of pizza?  Are you taking care of your body when you plow through a pint of Ben & Jerry's like there is no tomorrow?"   God knows how to shut the mouths and minds of his children, doesn't he?  God served me a piece of that humble pie and I wasn't about to ask for seconds.  

No.  I don't smoke.  I'm thankful that is not an addiction I struggle with.  People smoke for different reasons.  For some it may be soothing for them to smoke.  I don't smoke...but when I need soothing I am known to open the fridge.  What is the difference?  There is none.  I shouldn't be opening the fridge for my comfort, I should be opening my Bible.   ANYTHING that we as believers are using to comfort or to sooth ourselves outside of God has the potential for trouble.  I believe we can all use improvement in this area.  I learned through my "Pie" that compassion will take us a whole lot further than judgement.   

I still drive past the center every day.  There are still folks out smoking every day....I'm not looking at them the same way anymore.   I've realized that there is plenty for me to work on right in my own heart.   I should probably stick to that.  I definitely prefer ice cream to pie anyway.  

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