About Me

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I'm a wife and mom of a 19 year old stepson and 2 little girls ages 5 and almost 7. I was a self-employed real estate appraiser for 12 years and am ready to turn the page and Lord willing go back to school and see what God has next for me. Certainly my highest priority is to attempt to keep the house in order for my dear husband and to savor all the moments I can with my little ones that are growing entirely too fast.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


When I hear the word "whiplash" I immediately think of a car accident and of course picture that infamous neck brace that you see in almost every comedy movie of the 80's.  I've never really thought of whiplash as anything but a physical ailment.  

I have recently discovered another kind of whiplash.  Emotional whiplash.  I've never heard the term, but I won't claim to have "discovered" it.  It all began about 1 1/2 years ago.  After months of mounting frustrations at work, Brian decided it was time to begin searching for a new job.  We discussed this at length weighing the pros and cons trying to decide what was best for our family.  After much prayer we were at peace with searching and even went so far as to open the search to a move out of state.  We decided that we would open up the doors and see what God brought us to.   Anyone involved in a job search knows that most of the time it is not a quick process and there are usually a lot of "possibilities" that end up going nowhere.  As Brian searched and headhunters would come to him with prospects he would run them past me.  If it was an area I wasn't familiar with I would research the area and schools and try to get a feel for the area.  (this resulted in geographical whiplash.  That one I will claim as my discovery)  I researched areas of California, Colorado, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Michigan, Arkansas, Texas, and New Mexico and those are just the ones I can recall.  It was exhausting.  A few prospects were looking really good, so I would mentally prepare myself for the phone call that I needed to start packing.  It was exhausting.  Whiplash.

Fast forward....Brian was blessed with a fabulous job working with some great guys that he knew well and his commute was cut almost in half.  After all the searching God had a place for us right where we stood.  This brought another decision.  House.  We bought a small house 3 years ago and limited space has brought frustrations beyond words.  Do we move?  Do we stay?  We decided to move.  We packed up 3/4 of our belongings, prepped the house to list and right before pulling the trigger we decided to stay in our small house and add on.  It was exhausting.  Whiplash.

Marriage.  Some days I'm on cloud nine, and other days the frustrations mount.  Welcome to a relationship, right?  Two imperfect people that are innately selfish trying to coexist can bring on some trials.  It is at times exhausting.  Whiplash.

A ridiculous shoulder injury from a wiffle ball competition got progressively worse resulting in a lot of pain.  Cortisone shot...relief.  Cortisone shot wears off....more pain.  Surgery....ouch.  Percoset...AAAHHHH.  Physical therapy...OUCH!!!!  It is exhausting.  Whiplash.  

This past week I have gone to physical therapy all week and twice I have broken down in tears.  Why?  I'm exhausted.  I think it has all caught up with me and I'm just a little raw and vulnerable and frankly really tired of pain.  It has made me think about the fact that if we are depending on a job, a spouse, a friendship, or even ourselves for "stability" we will most likely end up with some degree of whiplash.  Things change, people disappoint us, we let ourselves down, tragedies occur.  

Jesus Christ is the one and only thing in this life that is unchanging.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  In the storms of life He is the anchor.  If we are clinging to Christ we can roll with the punches and He will carry us when we don't have the strength to go on.  That is a promise he made to us.  We will all have struggles and some of us have unfathomable circumstances to endure.  Jesus is there to comfort us and bring us peace in the little struggles and in the big ones.  One of my favorite thoughts is that if it matters to me, it matters to Him.  

Life sometimes results in whiplash.  Jesus is the Biofreeze.  Let Him sooth and heal.  

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