About Me

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I'm a wife and mom of a 19 year old stepson and 2 little girls ages 5 and almost 7. I was a self-employed real estate appraiser for 12 years and am ready to turn the page and Lord willing go back to school and see what God has next for me. Certainly my highest priority is to attempt to keep the house in order for my dear husband and to savor all the moments I can with my little ones that are growing entirely too fast.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Training a Child Take Three - Special K

I'm sitting here in our media room above the garage with the window open listening to the rain.  That has nothing to do with what I'm writing...it's just really nice.  At the behest of my daughter Haylee I am here to write about her little sister Kerrington. 

When I was contemplating what to write my initial thoughts first went to describing to you her fiery little personality.  I often call her my little spit-fire and for good reason.  However, as I had a little more time to think I felt the need to go a little further back in order for my Special K to be appreciated for all that she is. 

A bit of history is in order, but no worries, not enough to bore you.  I hope.  Brian and I got married a little later than many, we turned 35 a few months after we got married.  We knew we wanted a child, preferably 2 if that was possible.  All the reading about "high risk" pregnancies after 35 were a bit concerning so we welcomed the possibility of expecting.  We were married in August and I became pregnant in January.  We were so incredibly excited.  I was due around my dad's birthday and thought about how amazing it would be to have a baby on his birthday.  8 weeks into the pregnancy I lost the baby.  I was heartbroken.  Brian was heartbroken.  The loss of a baby is a sadness that is difficult to express in words.  The tears were countless and thankfully the comfort from the Lord was endless.  I don't know how anyone is able to endure such pain without that comfort.  That following October I became pregnant again.  Strangely, I was at peace.  Through the miscarriage I learned that it truly was not in my control.  I could fret and worry, or I could rest peacefully knowing that God knew the desires of my heart it if I was meant to carry this baby I would do just that.  I chose peace.  Though I don't believe any pregnancy is particularly easy, my pregnancy was uneventful.  I loved it.  I love the honor of growing a new life inside of me and never stopped loving those kicks and nudges in my tummy.  On July 9th Brian and I were blessed with our baby girl, Haylee Michelle.

When Haylee was 6 months old I became pregnant again.  The baby was due on my birthday!  How special!!!!  I was so excited to have my children close in age so they could grow up together.  At 12 weeks, 1 day before my second trimester, I lost my birthday baby.  I was heartbroken.  Brian was heartbroken.  I wasn't angry at God, but I certainly didn't understand.  Again I cried countless tears, but this time I had the amazing blessing of Haylee to remind me of all I had.  If Haylee was the only baby I was able to have, then I was still blessed beyond what I deserve.  It's often said that God gives and takes away and I know that is true, but I also know that there are some things that simply happen and God allows them for whatever reason. 
Something was not right with that pregnancy.  I'll never know what it was, but though I still think about my little baby that I never met, I believe that God's timing is perfect even if it is often perplexing.  I also know it my heart that when I get to Heaven I'll be greeted by my two babies that I never met face to face and it will be a beautiful reunion.

A few months later I again became pregnant.  This baby was due on April 11th which is my first nieces birthday.  This pregnancy was tougher since naps were sparse and I had a 25 pound toddler in tow, not to mention I was a few years older!  On February 7th I started to have complications and raced to the emergency room.  I was sent home that night, but was back in the ER the next morning.  I know that modern medicine is capable of miracles these days and having a baby a few months early is somewhat commonplace, but fear ran through me.  My baby wasn't ready to be born.  She would likely spend weeks in the hospital if they had to take her early.  I was scared.   Thankfully everything turned out fine and I was able to carry her to the end.  Kerrington Paige was born on April 3rd. 

I know full well that there are thousands of parents out there that had to endure far more hardships than we did to get to the point of holding their newborn baby.  I'm sure that every single parent would say that every tear was worth it for the joy of holding a new life.  I don't know why I was unable to carry the babies that I lost and I don't really need to know.  I don't know why God chose Brian and I to give the honor of raising this precious life.  That doesn't really matter either.  I'm thankful.  I look at both of my girls knowing that they are precious diamonds that God has entrusted to the care of Brian and I. 

So, there you have it.  That's how Kerrington got here.  In the hospital a few nurses raised an eyebrow at the name we chose.  One nurse stated that "Kerrington" was an awful big name to live up to.  Let me tell you....it's not a problem.  Kerrington was much smaller than Haylee as a baby, but she's like a little chili pepper....she's got a kick.   She is such a joy and so loving....and so independent!  She knows what she wants and doesn't want to do and Haylee will not persuade her otherwise no matter how many tears she cries in protest.  She is almost 2 1/2, so she still likes to be held by mommy A LOT....but she is independent and overall pretty content.   It's hard to tell all the ins and outs of her personality because she is still young, but from what we observe now she seems worlds apart from her sister.  It will be very interesting to see how she blooms in the next few years. 

Try as I might I can't get enough of my girls.  I'm one that needs my alone time, but after a few hours away I miss kissing those little cheeks.  I can't imagine what life would be like without my Special K.  She completes our family. 

I've been out here for a while doing homework and writing this blog.  My babies are in their beds sleeping...and I'm feeling an overwhelming urge to kiss them and put my hand on them and thank God for the priceless gifts I've been given.  I've gotta go. 

1 comment:

  1. I've enjoyed these past three postings. Thank you so much for sharing your pain and your joy. For me, the comfort is knowing that while my child may not have been healthy enough to survive here on earth, he or she is now in Heaven, happy, healthy and surrounded by people who love her. For whatever reason, God chose to protect her from this life. Now I need to hug, kiss and put my hands on my little boys!
