About Me

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I'm a wife and mom of a 19 year old stepson and 2 little girls ages 5 and almost 7. I was a self-employed real estate appraiser for 12 years and am ready to turn the page and Lord willing go back to school and see what God has next for me. Certainly my highest priority is to attempt to keep the house in order for my dear husband and to savor all the moments I can with my little ones that are growing entirely too fast.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I lost my glasses.  I really don't know how something so important could be lost.  I was careful (or so I thought) to put them with the absolute staples for everyday.  You know, the things that no day should ever be without like the coffee maker and makeup.   I wasn't too worried because I just knew they'd show up.  Well, we've been here since August and no sign of my glasses.  I did find and old pair with an old prescription and they are sufficing for the moment. 

I have really bad eyesight and have had glasses as long as I can remember.  My eyesight is so bad that I don't even attempt the most basic things without them on.  No joke, without them I could easily misjudge the stairs and take a tumble or brush my teeth with hair gel.  Yeah, it's not good.  I know my limitations and don't even step one foot out of bed without them on.  I am 100% dependent on my glasses and/or contact lenses. 

Why am I writing about this?  Well, I was attempting to take a nap a few minutes ago since my sick little girl made my night of sleep very punctuated.  I am wearing my glasses today and I had taken them off and put them on my chest while I tried to rest.  I happened to open my eyes and I forgot I didn't have my glasses on and I panicked for a second until I remembered my glasses were right in front of me.  It made me think....

What if I was as dependent on God as I am on my glasses?  What if I didn't even take a step without Him? What if I didn't even consider taking a step out of bed without saying hello to God and asking Him to help me through my day.  How different would my days be if every moment I was looking at life with His eyes?  Do I depend on God?  Sure I do.  Do I talk to Him and ask for His wisdom and peace and so many other thing?  Sure I do.  Could I depend on Him more?  I sure could.   Sometimes it can be discouraging when I think of how far I have to go when it comes to my relationship with the Lord.  However, I do know that being aware of areas that could use some attention is more than half the battle.  So, now that I can clearly see the problem...I'll be striving for less of me, more of Him.    Strange as it may sound, there is amazing freedom in complete dependence on the Lord. 

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