About Me

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I'm a wife and mom of a 19 year old stepson and 2 little girls ages 5 and almost 7. I was a self-employed real estate appraiser for 12 years and am ready to turn the page and Lord willing go back to school and see what God has next for me. Certainly my highest priority is to attempt to keep the house in order for my dear husband and to savor all the moments I can with my little ones that are growing entirely too fast.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


My last post wasn't the most uplifiting.  I realize this.  I have spoken to enough mothers out there to know that we all have times where we are just plain overwhelmed and there's just no masking that.  Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a HORRIBLE masker anyway.  If I feel it you know it. 

It's been a strange weekend.  I've been exhausted, a little down, and just short with the girls and really anyone else within a 3 foot radius.  I look around at my little house that I love and I'm seeing that lately I'm not enjoying the charm it it all...I'm seeing the list of things that need to be done and frankly I'm stuck wondering where to begin.  Remember the story in the Bible where Mary and Martha are visited by Jesus and Mary is at His feet listening to his words and Martha was busy working away in the kitchen preparing a meal for everyone and got pretty annoyed that Mary was just sitting there and not helping her?  Jesus said "Martha, Martha, you are worried about many things..."  Sometimes I ever so softly hear the echos of "Janiece, Janiece, you are worried about many things!"  Now, before anyone thinks for a second that I'm comparing myself to kitchen Martha....hold your laughter.  I'd be at Jesus' feet listening to a good story before I'd step foot in a kitchen hands down!  I'm not a meticulous housekeeper by any stretch of the imagination, but when I have a lot on my mind I just can't handle clutter or things being undone.  I just want things to be simple.  Simplicity calms me...always has.  Here's something I wrote back in 2002.  I came across it while unpacking boxes and I don't think it's a mistake that I found this.


Has eluded me
I've searched so long
Where could it be?
The craziness
It has no end
Destruction in it's path
Who can mend?

I will find simplicity
I'll search high and low
And land and sea.
Once it's mine
I'll hold on tight
My life will no longer
Be a fright.

Yes, this is my mission
It is driving me
It will be mine
I'll wake early
No time to lose
I can't relax
For an extra snooze.

I'll not stop
Throughout the day
There were roses
In that field you say?
I'll be focused
I'll be strong
I've no time to hear
My favorite song.

Of course I still call you friend
You're in my heart
that has no end.
But I can't talk
Can't you see?
I must find Simplicity!

The sun is setting
But I can't stop to see
What's needed here
Is consistancy.
The moon is full
But I am drained
This journey is long
My body's strained.

It's been days
Since I've had rest
How can this possibly
Be what is best?
In desperation
I'll soon wake
How much searching
Can I take?

Perhaps I'll stop
And rest a while
It's peaceful here
I won't fight the smile.
What was that?
Was that a bird?
That's the most beautiful sound
I've ever heard!

I close my eyes
What do I see?
By my side
All along
Was Simplicity.


I guess this just reminds me that we are always surrounded by the simple things that give us joy.  It's just a matter of stopping long enough to enjoy them.  It's so easy to get caught up in the day to day things that capture so much of our energy.  It takes effort to simplify....but I don't know one person that has ever regreted it.  I think I just might give it another shot.  Care to join me?

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